
Love Bundle

Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $57.00.

This bundle focuses on releasing self defeating patterns around self love, the acceptance of love from others as well as our own ability to love life and others to the fullest. You can have a specific type of relationship in mind in which you would like to clear old patterns or hurt feelings. All matters of the heart are cleared, realigned and one’s capacity to connect to self and others is strengthened and enhanced. Please allow 5-7 days between auditing new sessions and follow pre and post self care listed on the site.


Allow the beautiful vibration of love to flow more abundantly into every facet of your life!  Enhance your space for self love as you embrace all vibrations of love moving closer into your world!

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $0.00.


A fantastic session that addresses improving relationships of all kinds!  Before you listen hold the intention for a specific relationship to clear.  Please intend for one relationship per audit.  It's best to allow a few days minimum for integration time between sessions.

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $0.00.

Heal Your Heart

This session clears energy around heartache, heart shields and overall matters of the heart.  We will work with a technique called Heart Mapping and rebalance the energy field of our hearts and what is being radiated throughout our bodies.  Healing will be exponential for the body, mind and spirit.  Love relationships of all kinds will deepen and be enhanced!

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $0.00.
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Love, Relationships, Heal your Heart Bundle

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